CrossHair 1.1

Free CrossHair draw two lines intersecting your mouse cursor, just pressing a hot key
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1.1 See all
Mike Lin
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Awards (6)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Free   71.4 KB

There are many times that, when you are using a specific program, you need to know what is the exact position of the screen, where your mouse pointer is. It is not always easy to know, and sometimes this annoying situation can drive you crazy while you are moving your mouse from one side to the other, looking for the pointer. But from now on, this is situation is over thanks to this program: CrossHair.

When you press a hot key, CrossHair displays two lines crossing each other, one horizontal and other vertical, similar to a "shoot target", and it intersects on the current position of your mouse pointer. If you keep pressed the roving hot key, the lines will follow your pointer for over any program or window. But, if you press the stationary hot key, CrossHair will display two static lines only on the current mouse pointer position.

CrossHair does not use many resources of your system, and it works in a transparent way, so you will not notice its presence until press a hot key. CrossHair could be very useful when you are using design programs. It is also a free tool and it's very lightweight with only 70 kb of average.

DM Senior editor
Daniel Mantilla
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Useful to know where the mouse pointer is


  • None

Comments (10)

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rating Christo
Must have for all my machines!

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Bradut
Great app!

After getting used to CrossHair in PowerToys (Windows 10/11), I realized I was missing it on Windows 7. So, I'm happy to find it here.

I tried using the same enable/disable shortcut keys as in PowerToys (Win + Alt + P), and it accepted (Alt + P), which I don’t mind at all.

Thank you!

4 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
Love this app. How can we support MIke Lin?

Mar 31, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply


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